We Who Are Still Alive
A new judgment was held on 15 March, 2007, against the Argentine military cadres responsible for the genocides during the seventies. At the center of this trial, debating the kidnapping and killing of Italian citizens at Esma, the Mechanical School of the Military Navy. There, 5,000 young people were tortured before disappearing, thrown from airplanes down in the open sea or in the Rio de la Plata river; less of 200 survived. Besides the trial, the doc narrates the mothers’ excruciating sorrow, the survivors’ anguish, the collective effort in the fight for human rights and the trauma of the children who discover that theirs presumed fathers are sometimes the murderers of their true parents. During the trial, comes up the story of the three generation of women who survived and keep together the memory of this “past who never pass”.
Original name: Nosotras Que Todavía Estamos Vivas